NAATI Paraprofessionals
NAATI Professionals
Teachers of the Deaf
Itinerant Resource Teachers
Deaf Instructors

Teachers of the Deaf

Hearing impairment is a low incidence disability with major implications for a child's development, performance and educational outcomes. It is essential that teachers of the deaf have specific training and expertise in hearing impairment and therefore the capacity to facilitate service provision that addresses the needs of a broad spectrum of children with hearing impairment.

The function of the teacher of the deaf is to respond to the needs of students, their parents and school communities by:

* Supporting children, parents, teachers and the school in understanding and addressing the educational implications of a hearing loss.

* Determining the student's optimum learning style in collaboration with other service providers.

* Assessment, review and monitoring of each child's progress using appropriate record keeping strategies.

* Planning and teaching specialised curriculum to deaf and hearing impaired students where appropriate.

* Adapting curriculum materials to enable student access.

* Coordinating services provided to individual children and facilitating a team approach to programming, problem-solving and teaching.

* Developing the range of supports and learning environments that enable schools to cater appropriately for the needs of students.

* Encouraging home involvement in programme objectives and empowering parents to participate in educational decision-making.

* Providing advocacy for students, families, Deaf and school communities.

* Providing appropriate professional development for regular teachers and teacher assistants.

* Providing community awareness programmes as appropriate.

* Maintaining a current knowledge base of best practice through professional readings, involvement with professional organisations and sharing and evaluation of current methodologies and practice.

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