NAATI Paraprofessionals
NAATI Professionals
Teachers of the Deaf
Itinerant Resource Teachers
Deaf Instructors

Deaf Instructors

A vital part of the team is the Deaf instructor. Deaf instructors are native Auslan users who have a good knowledge of Deaf culture. Because most of the Deaf children in the Claremont Project have hearing parents and siblings, the primary function of the Deaf Instructor is to provide a linguistic model, as an Auslan L1 user, for Deaf children and parents. In addition, they are:

* A positive model of competency to hearing children and parents of Deaf children.
* An Auslan resource for teachers and interpreters.
* Teachers in LOTE programs

The Deaf instructor has many varying tasks including:

* Conducting story telling sessions.
* Participating in play with Deaf and hearing children.
* Working with small groups of hearing children.
* Using strategies encouraging the independence of the child.
* Maintaining documentation as requested.
* Providing 'tutorial' support to individual Deaf children as directed by the teacher of the deaf.
* Visiting deaf children and their families at home, teaching Auslan and providing a positive communication model.

Most of the tasks of the Deaf instructor are undertaken using natural communicative interactions.

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